What to expect

If you’re at all dissatisfied with or embarrassed by your teeth and afraid to show your smile in public, you’ll be amazed by the results our compassionate and highly skilled dentists can achieve.

Using the very latest in advanced dentistry techniques and technologies, we’re able to correct, repair and restore old and unsightly dental work to create an aesthetically pleasing sensational smile that you’ll adore.

We treat all our patients with care, respect and empathy, providing a non-judgemental, accepting environment where you will feel heard, supported and at ease.

Creating the perfect smile

The process

Rest assured that, no matter how anxious you may be about visiting the dentist, we’ll make your time with us as pleasant as possible. From the moment you first reach out to our team, you’ll receive a warm welcome and be put at ease. We’ll treat you like family, making sure you feel as relaxed and comfortable as can be, and going the extra mile to provide exceptional service and an appealing, tranquil environment.

Our dental aesthetics treatments all begin with an initial consultation during which our qualified dentist will make a comprehensive examination of your oral health.

We will take images of your current tooth arrangement using high-end equipment (including intraoral scanners and other digital imaging hardware).

All imaging is done onsite, so there’s no need for referrals and visits to other providers. Once we have a clear picture of what is required, we’ll advise you on the best treatment options to create a sensational smile you can be proud of.

Dental aesthetic treatment options

There are a number of different treatment options available to correct, rejuvenate and restore the aesthetic appeal of previous dental works such as fillings, crowns, veneers, or bridges. Some of the most common ones include:

  1. Replacement of metal alloy fillings with tooth-coloured fillings
    If your fillings are loose, showing signs of wear or deterioration, or if they are affecting your self-confidence and making it hard for you to smile, it might be time to replace them with new tooth-coloured composite resin fillings. There are a number of advantages to composite fillings over the older mercury-based amalgam ones, your dentist may recommend leaving a filling in place if it is clinically sound and in good condition. In such cases, depending on its position, you may be able to hide the filling behind a porcelain veneer. Talk to your dentist about the best option to suit your needs.
  2. Hide misaligned or discoloured teeth & small gaps with porcelain or composite resin veneers
    Porcelain or composite resin veneers can be bonded to the surface of teeth to quickly and effectively hide misaligned or stained teeth and cover amalgam fillings and/or small gaps. Learn more about veneers.
  3. Replace discoloured, chipped, cracked or dislodged crowns, bridges or veneers
    Crowns, bridges and veneers are made from thin layers of porcelain, zirconia or composite resins and, although they are highly durable, over time, they may become chipped, cracked, discoloured or dislodged entirely. Our aesthetic and restorative dentists will remove any remnants of the old crown or veneer, clean your teeth and replace broken, stained or missing crowns, bridges and veneers with new ones. These will be custom-made to blend in with the rest of your teeth and fit comfortably in your mouth. Replacement crowns can be made by our in-house dental lab while you wait. They will not only improve the aesthetic appeal of your smile, they can also provide protection to your teeth. Learn more about crowns and veneers.
  4. Use of clear aligners to straighten misaligned or crowded teeth, and close gap between teeth.
    If one or more of your teeth have become misaligned, or a past extraction procedure or accidental dislodgement of a tooth has left a gap in your smile, we may be able to correct misalignment and/or close any gaps using transparent aligners. Your dentist will perform an intra-oral scan with our 3D scanner and have your aligners custom-made to suit your aesthetic and orthodontic needs. Learn more about orthodontics and clear aligners.
  5. Teeth whitening
    Tooth discolouration may be a sign of the tooth dying or issues within the deeper layers of the tooth, in which case these issues must be addressed prior to the use of whiteners. Once any underlying issues have been ruled out, discolouration can be reduced through the use of whitening systems.Talk to our cosmetic dental team to find out which whitening solution is right for you. Learn more about teeth whitening.
  1. Reshaping misaligned, overly long, chipped or cracked teeth
    Reshaping is used to remove chips and cracks as well as to alter a tooth’s shape, position or length if it has grown too long or crooked. It can also be used to rectify an overbite or underbite and create a more uniform smile by correcting tooth size discrepancies.
  2. Use bridges or implants to close gaps left by missing teeth
    A dental bridge is made up of one or more prosthetic teeth attached to each other and anchored to healthy teeth on either side of the extraction site(s). This restorative dental technique does more than add aesthetic appeal, it also assists with functional processes such as chewing and speaking. Bridges may also be supported by one or more dental implants.Implants are artificial tooth anchors that are embedded into the jawbone. Artificial teeth attached to the implants look and function just like natural teeth. Learn more about implants.
  3. Using composite resin bonding to cover cracked & uneven surfaces on teeth
    An enamel-like composite resin is applied to the surface of the tooth and sculpted into the desired shape before being hardened and polished to create a smooth, aesthetically pleasing surface. This resin can be applied as a filling or tooth cement as well as being used as a bonding agent for veneers.
  4. Correcting gummy or toothy smiles
    This aesthetic dental procedure involves raising and sculpting the gum line so that your smile is neither too gummy nor too toothy. In some cases, the desired result may be achieved through the administration of Botox or dermal fillers, whereas other patients may require additional treatment to reshape the gingival tissue and create a more aesthetically pleasing smile.
  5. Reclaiming your bite
    Excessive wear due to chronic acid reflux or tooth grinding may influence and distort the height of your teeth and negatively affect your smile, facial proportions and your general jaw function. Bite reclamation is a technique used to restore your bite and correct your smile.

Our guarantee

At Ivy Dental, you’re more than just a patient, you’re part of our family. We guarantee that no matter how anxious you may initially feel when visiting the dentist, we’ll do all we can to help you feel relaxed and at ease.

From the moment you walk through the doors at our Everton Park and Nundah dental practices, you’ll be welcomed, supported and accepted unconditionally. We’ll tailor our approach to suit your needs, desires, facial characteristics, personality and budget. We’ll gently guide you through each step of the process and help you to achieve the sensational smile you’ve always longed for.

Get in touch

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Call us on (07) 3266 7120.

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